Shilpa Shetty

Surya Namaskar

Actress Shilpa Shetty is among those fitness enthusiasts in Bollywood who has been motivating people to stay active.

The actress has been
posting videos of her own
workout sessions to show
how she keeps fit.

She also post videos
about the effectiveness
of Surya Namaskars in
keeping one's body
toned and flexible.

Shilpa shows how to
do Surya Namaskars.

She initiated her workout with
an Anjali Mudra stance and
then went on to perform the
Dynamic Surya Namaskar on
the yoga mat.

Surya Namaskar, often
known as Sun Salutations,
is a popular yoga practice
that consists of a 12-asana

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Surya Namaskar
regularly helps keep the
body energised and all
the organs engaged.

If you want to reduce
your weight, increase
your speed.

You will be surprised to
know that practicing
Surya Namaskar at a
slow pace can also help
you gain weight.

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